Vocational Callings

Opening Music of Praise:  “He Has Made Me Glad”

Prayers of Confession and Prayers of the People:

     –Lift up to God prayers for those who are working in difficult environments.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who are working two jobs to afford to live.   

     -Lift up to God prayers for those whose parents are always at work.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who feel torn between work and home.

     -Lift all these prayers up to God.

Assurance of Pardon:

      Here the good news.  God calls us to show the fruits of the Spirit in all that we do.  We may be in difficult environments at work in various ways but God in Christ calls us to serve whereever we are.  Even if we find our job unfulfilling, we can still be a faithful witness to Christ by the way we treat others and serve.  When we fail to be faithful we know that Christ restores us and gives us second chances.  In Jesus Christ we are forgiven and renewed.  AMEN.                        

Music of Response:   “Fruit of the Spirit”

Scripture:  Luke 9:51-62; Galatians 5:13-26

Message:  Sermon is attached or is posted on site on Facebook

Closing Music:  “Morning Has Broken”