
You will find that we are a pretty laid back group of people. Some come to worship dressed in shorts and summer dresses while others still dress formally. After your arrival, enter the sanctuary through the wooden front door where you will be greeted. After receiving your worship bulletin you can sit in the lower area or in the balcony. First time attendees are encouraged to complete one of our yellow visitor cards in the backs of the pews and bring it to the welcome center after worship where you will receive gifts and information about the church.
Children are welcome at ACPC. We like to say that nursing mothers and crying babies are not a distraction here. If you arrive with an infant or a child aged 2nd grade or younger, they can come with you into the sanctuary or go straight to our nursery area located to the right of the sanctuary. We encourage you to bring your children to worship to expose them to the worship experience. We believe that parents model good worship participation. Bulletins and markers for children ages 3 – 12 are found at the entrance to the church.
During worship, children will be invited forward for a special children’s time focused on them. After that time, the children 2nd grade and younger can then be escorted back to the nursery area for children’s church. Children are also encouraged to play simple musical instruments during some of the songs. Children also participate by being acolytes at the beginning and end of worship.
Our music is a blend of styles. We will sing contemporary music and traditional hymns led by a band and a music leader. We have a handbell choir that plays on occasion. If you have a musical talent we would love for you to share it. We also use our video screen to share music and stories that make a positive impact in worship.
Men and women lead worship at ACPC. This includes reading of Scripture, children’s messages, and sermons.
All are invited to the Fellowship Hall after worship for coffee, juice and snacks.
After worship we offer several opportunities for children, youth, and adults for faith formation. Some days we will have classes for all ages while other days we may gather together for a meal or intergenerational activity.