Transitions in Life

Opening Music of Praise:  “Surely the Presence of the Lord”

Prayers of Confession and Prayers of the People:

     –Lift up to God prayers for those who are graduating and have plans for tomorrow.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who are graduating and don’t know what tomorrow brings.   

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who are undergoing retirements.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who are undergoing other transitions in life.

     -Lift all these prayers up to God.

Assurance of Pardon:

      Here the good news.  This is a time of the year when lots of people are going through transitions.  Some are experiencing the excitement and mixed feelings of graduation.  Others are experiencing the excitement and mixed feelings of retirement.  Others are going through other transitions including moving to new locations.  But we are reminded today that God is present with us during transitions.  God renews and through Jesus Christ God forgives. AMEN.                         

Music of Response:   “Here I Am, Lord”

Scripture:  John 17:20-26; Acts 16:16-34

Message:  Sermon is attached or is posted on site on Facebook

Closing Music:  “Song of Hope”