Pentecost 2019

Opening Music of Praise:  “You are My All in All”

Prayers of Confession and Prayers of the People:

     –Lift up to God prayers for those who are feeling connected to God’s Spirit on Pentecost.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who feel disconnected from God’s Spirit.   

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who speak words which are harsh and hurtful.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who speak words of hope and forgiveness.

     -Lift all these prayers up to God.

Assurance of Pardon:

      Here the good news.  Pentecost is the day that we celebrate the coming of God’s Holy Spirit and the birthday of Christ’s Church.  The Spirit rested on the earliest followers and inspired them to go forth and spread the good news.  That same Spirit continues to be made known today.  As we speak and act in ways that are pleasing to God then are in tune with God’s Holy Spirit.  When we fall short, we have a God who calls us back in.  God renews and through Jesus Christ God forgives.  AMEN.                         

Music of Response:   “Give Thanks”

Scripture:  Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-21

Message:  Sermon is attached or is posted on site on Facebook

Closing Music:  “Spirit”