Naaman and Elisha

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Opening Music of Praise:   “As We Gather”

Prayers of Confession and Prayers of the People:

     –Lift up to God prayers of thanksgiving for America’s ideals.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who serve to protect our freedoms.   

     -Lift up to God prayers for those whose freedoms have been denied.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who work so that all have access to freedom.

     -Lift all these prayers up to God.

Assurance of Pardon:

      Here the good news.  We are blessed to live in a country where freedom is part of our fabric.  But we recognize that not all experience the freedoms that we all claim to have.  We continue to work for a country that is faithful to God’s call and be a place where all can pursue their dreams and potential.  We trust in God to lead us forward but when we fail we are thankful that through Christ we are forgiven and provided new opportunities for faithfulness.  AMEN.                         

Music of Response:   “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”

Scripture:  Psalms 30:1-12; II Kings 5:1-14

Message:  Sermon is attached or is posted on site on Facebook

Closing Music:  “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies”