Liberty Hill Church 150th Anniversary Sermon

Opening Music of Praise:  “How Great is Our God”

Prayers of Confession and Prayers of the People:

     –Lift up to God prayers for those who have enslaved others.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who sat quietly and benefitted while others were enslaved.   

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who fought for justice for those enslaved.

     -Lift up to God prayers for those who gather now in communities breaking down barriers.

     -Lift all these prayers up to God.

Assurance of Pardon:

      Here the good news.  Every community has imperfect histories.  We try to make our ancestors appear perfect, but we know that all of us are tainted by sin.  But God through Christ is working to make all things new.  When we participate in work that brings people together across boundaries then we are being faithful to our calling.  Today we celebrate that through the love and grace of Jesus Christ all things are made new.  In his name we are forgiven and restored.  AMEN.                       

Music of Response:   “Kum ba Yah”

Scripture:  Exodus 3:1-15; Psalm 126

Message:  Sermon is attached or is posted on site on Facebook

Closing Music:  “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”