Click on below to read Easter Sunday Sermon
Opening Music of Praise: “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”
Prayers of Confession and Prayers of the People:
–Lift up to God prayers for those who do not feel Easter joy.
-Lift up to God prayers for those who feel alone on Easter morning.
-Lift up to God prayers for those who are surrounded by loving family on Easter.
-Lift up to God prayers for those who are called to share the good news of the resurrection.
-Lift all these prayers up to God.
Assurance of Pardon:
Here the good news. During this Holy Week we are invited to remember the final days and hours of the life of Jesus. A time of great sadness, betrayal, and darkness. But on this Easter Sunday morning we give witness to the new birth and resurrection which comes through Jesus Christ. We celebrate that the tomb is empty and that Jesus is risen. Through the risen Christ our darkness is overcome and we are forgiven. AMEN.
Music of Response: “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”
Scripture: Isaiah 25:6-9; Luke 23:39-24:12
Message: Sermon is attached or is posted on site on Facebook
Closing Music: “Easter Medley”