Down by the Creek – March 2016

From the Pastor’s Desk

ACPC DrawingDear Friends,

We are in the season of Lent, the 40 days leading us into Holy Week and then Easter.  Lent is our time to focus our prayers and energies into deepening our relationship with Christ.

As Christians we have a responsibility to share the good news of God’s love. In our changing culture we in the church must be open to new and innovative ways to share the gospel. The “Common Ground at Allison Creek” is opening up new possibilities. One of the ways that we are seeking to share the gospel through “Common Ground” is by setting up “Stations of the Cross” on the walking track during Holy Week. 7 displays will be built which will help to tell the story of the final days of Jesus’ life. People will be able to walk the track and read about the final days, see pictures, and maybe touch some objects. As you complete the circle you will be invited to add to an art project in the shape of a cross. In addition, on Maundy Thursday we will offer times for prayer in the Prayer Chapel with lay volunteers as well as the offer of Holy Communion in or near the Chapel. We have a wonderful opportunity to share the good news of Jesus in a way that may connect to a new group of people. Speak to me if you want to be a part of any of this planning.

Peace, Sam

Devotional: Read Mark 10:46-52

According to Mark, this story of the healing of Bartimaeus occurs before the Palm Sunday narrative of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a colt or donkey. In this story Bartimaeus hears that Jesus is nearby and he shouts out to Jesus. He is told to be quiet but he continues to shout out.

  • What are ways that we are called to shout out to Jesus?  Do you ever hear people tell you to be quiet?

Eventually Bartimaeus is healed and Jesus affirms him that his faith has made him well.

  •  How can our faith help us in our relationship with God?