Down by the Creek – June 2016

From the Pastor’s Desk

Allison Creek Presbyterian ChurchDear Friends,

In the May Session meeting the Session members present reflected on why we offer educational, fellowship, and mission opportunities. We focused on the “why” question rather than on what we offer in these different areas. We wanted to get to the root of why we gather in these ways in order to be open to new ways that God calls us to be faithful. We recognized that in many ways the traditional models that have worked so well for many years may not be as effective today as they once were.

At the meeting we discussed how to engage children, youth, and adults in ways other than the traditional models. We talked about the importance of incorporating faith into all of life and of different generations sharing with one another. We heard a report from an earlier gathering in which young adults expressed a desire to have mentors in the faith and for other areas of life. These young adults expressed a yearning to establish deeper relationships.

Our discussion at Session focused on identifying artisans rather than teachers (I Corinthians 12). Artisans who have gifts such as music, art, sports, parenting, and workforce skills. We envisioned an environment where after worship concludes that various artisans would teach skills, faith, and life lessons using their particular gifts and interests.

Some possible areas where we might explore this concept is through the teaching of music and art, puppetry, organized sporting activities, building and maintaining a community garden by utilizing already existing gardens at the homes of church members, mission projects around the community, and projects around the church. In addition to these offerings we would continue to bless traditional educational classes for adults.

So I would love to hear from you. What are your thoughts about this? Does this excite you? Can you begin to envision how your skills and gifts could be utilized to share God’s love?

Over the summer months I will be seeking feedback to what you have just read. The more input we have the more creative and open to God’s Spirit we can be. I look forward to engaging in these conversations with you.

Peace, Sam

Devotional: I Corinthians 12:4-7

(4) There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. (5) There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. (6) There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. (7) Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

– What spiritual gift is God calling you to share?
– What life experiences have you had that can teach others about the good news of God’s love?
– How does your faith assist you in dealing with the difficulties of life?
– What would you like to learn from others?