Down by the Creek – April 2017

From the Pastor’s Desk

The beginning of 2017 has been a very exciting time around Allison Creek Presbyterian Church. We are in the midst of 3 consecutive Sundays of baptizing children and welcoming their families into church membership. We are planning a major festival for May called “Let the Land Say…Amen” that will share the story of our history and invite people in the community to experience our hospitality. We sent 5 people to Liberia and have been blessed by their stories of our expanding partnership with people in Africa. We completed our most successful pine straw sale ever with the sale and delivery of 4500 bales. We continue to add prayer stations to “Common Ground” and have welcomed groups for tours as well as individuals who come out on their own. We have enjoyed picnics and pancakes together. We are nurturing 4 young people who are going through confirmation and learning about the Christian faith. Our weekday preschool already has 60 kids enrolled for the fall with a goal of 90. We’ve continued to host successful bluegrass concerts twice a month as well as Scouting and Venturing programs every week. We are being blessed by increasing diversity and new worshippers as we gather on Sunday mornings. We are meeting together and learning and growing in our faith together. We’ve ordained new elders and shared ashes on our heads for the beginning of Lent. This is A LOT in only 3 months time!!!!

We invite you to increase your financial commitment, if possible, to support the important and life changing ministry that we are doing together at Allison Creek. The first three months have also included some financial challenges for the congregation. We have had 13 Sundays in the first three months and 3 of these Sundays have been impacted by holidays and 2 of these Sundays by inclement weather. We cannot control these events but they do impact worship attendance and financial contributions. The beginning of the year typically means decreased giving compared to the end of the previous year. In order to maintain the necessary funds in the church checking account the Session has moved $10,000 out of investments and into the checking account in March. We are also receiving a steady supply of funds from renting the facility to local athletic organizations and increased our rates for gym usage.

Some of you have approached us about designating the church in your will. We strongly encourage you to remember Allison Creek Presbyterian Church in your will. This is an important way for the ministry of the church to continue to be supported by you after your time on earth has ended. Please speak to one of us if you need additional information about how to do this. We are very excited and encouraged by what we see God doing at Allison Creek. We want to expand our impact and we need you to help make it happen. Prayerfully consider how God may be guiding you to make an increased financial commitment during April as we welcome Jesus into our lives with palm branches and celebrate his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Rev. Sam McGregor, Jr.,
Mr. Gary Pederson, Chair of Stewardship and Finance