Virtual Worship Service
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Opening Music of Praise: “He Has Made Me Glad”
Prayers of Confession and Prayers of the People:
–Lift up to God prayers for people who are suffering from flu and the corona virus.
-Lift up prayers for people who are seeking to find cures for disease and illness.
-Lift up to God prayers for those who are facing financial burden right now.
-Lift up to God prayers for those who are expressed greater depression now.
-Lift all these prayers up to God.
Assurance of Pardon:
Hear the good news. The gospels tell us stories of worried and anxious disciples facing the storms of life. But once again Jesus shows that he has power over the wind and the waves. We can trust that though the earth is shaking around us that Jesus provides us the security and reassurance that we need. We are thankful that through Jesus we are forgiven and restored. AMEN.
Music of Response: “This Is My Father’s World”
Scripture: James 4:8; Matthew 8:23-27
Message: Sermon is attached or is posted on site on Facebook
Closing Music: “Bind Us Together”